Aminet 16
Aminet 16 (1996)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1996].iso
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144 lines
Short: Modula-2 interfaces and demos for MUI 3.6
Author: Olaf Peters <olf@informatik.uni-bremen.de>
Uploader: Olaf Peters <olf@informatik.uni-bremen.de>
Version: $VER: M2Interfaces 3.6 (13.8.96)
Type: dev/mui
Kurz: Modula-2 Schnittstellen und Demos für MUI 3.6
Replaces: dev/gui/mui33mod.lha
Author: Christian Scholz <ruebe@pool.informatik.rwth-aachen.de>
Release Notes
v3.6 (13.8.96, olf)
- updated the interfaces for MUI 3.6
v3.3.4 (5.7.96, olf)
- MuiMacros: Calls for BodychunkImage() and BitmapImage() were missing.
v3.3.3 (26.4.96, olf)
- MuiD: Grrr, misnamed the Settingsgroup Method (mp instead of mm).
v3.3.2 (25.4.96, olf)
- MuiD/MuiClasses: added missing Methods SettingsgroupGadgetsToConfig,
SettingsgroupConfigToGadgets and GetConfigItem (needed when developing
CustomClass-Prefs for MUI-Prefs).
- MuiClasses: OBJ_pen() now returns a pointer to an array of WORD, so you
can get the pennumber of a MUI-Pen by simply calling i.e.
- MuiClasses: the mNotifyData structure was missing the mndObjectID - blame
Stuntzi ;-)
v3.3.1 (13.3.96, olf)
- as the StackParms compiler-option *may* lead into problems it has been
removed from the interfaces. (Stefan Tiemann)
- optimization: MuiClasses/FillMinMaxInfo now uses WITH and INC Statement,
saving some bytes when compiling. (Stefan Tiemann)
- optimization: MuiClasses/MakeDispatcher had a VAR parameter while the
Pointer is not being changed. (Stefan Tiemann)
- fixed a bug in MuiD.def/mInputHandlerNode: node had to be ed.MinNode, not
ed.MinNodePtr (Stefan Tiemann)
- MuiClassSupport: new procedure setSuper to set an attribute of your
- fixed a bug in MuiClasses/MakeDispatcher that would badly crash the
machine when used in a public custom class (= library):
IClass^.dispatcher.data is reserved for MUI, now using
IClass^.userData. Nevertheless the bug didn't occur with private
- added the missing DataSpaceFind Method to MuiD.def and MuiClasses.def
(blame Stuntzi for forgetting it in the C-Headers ;-)
v3.3 (21.2.96, olf)
- updated the interfaces for MUI 3.3
- ATTENTION: new parameter 'flags' for moObtainPen()!
- MuiClassSupport: new procedure setSuper to set an attribute of your
v3.2.2 (7.2.96, olf)
- introduced MuiClassSupport: some functions to make life easier when
creating own customclasses. See docs/MuiClassSupport.doc for
documentation, Class2.mod and Class3.mod for example usage.
- when using MUIOBSOLETE=TRUE in MuiMacros, the TagBuffer was too small.
Fixed. (Marc Ewert)
- Demosources now also use MuiClassSupport and do compile again. They
didn't in v3.2.1 due to the changes from Stefan Schulz (APTR moved to
v3.2.1 (3.2.96, olf)
- updated the interfaces for MUI 3.2
- included Stuntzi's automatic headers (these have not been updated in the
MUI 3.2 distribution)
- included some changes from Stefan 'eau' Schulz and Christian 'Kochtopf'
Scholz (Thanks!)
- fixed MOLabelFlags (flags were misaligned, thanks to Marc Ewert for
v3.1.1 (27.11.95, olf)
- MuiD.def now really has the MUIOBSOLETE compiler option. This was missing
in the MUI 3.1 release.
- due to Stuntzi's automatic headerfile generation, MUI2COMPAT will not be
supported any longer.
- Demos now compile with MUIOBSOLETE set to FALSE, which also means they
will only run with MUI 3 (and above). Be careful, they do *not* check
which MUI version you're using!
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
606 333 45.0% 29-Jun-94 18:45:34 +CompilerScript
7600 4555 40.0% 07-Feb-96 17:18:22 +Class1
9495 3392 64.2% 07-Feb-96 17:10:48 +Class1.mod
8968 4997 44.2% 07-Feb-96 17:18:34 +Class2
13642 3975 70.8% 07-Feb-96 17:15:18 +Class2.mod
8716 4890 43.8% 07-Feb-96 17:18:40 +Class3
11629 3571 69.2% 07-Feb-96 17:17:58 +Class3.mod
7712 3824 50.4% 07-Feb-96 17:19:38 +ListDemo
10102 3318 67.1% 07-Feb-96 17:19:22 +ListDemo.mod
5700 3477 39.0% 07-Feb-96 17:20:24 +MuiTest
7476 1864 75.0% 07-Feb-96 17:20:14 +MuiTest.mod
5280 1692 67.9% 14-Aug-96 22:25:30 +MuiClassSupport.doc
9810 3966 59.5% 14-Aug-96 22:26:14 +ReadMe
543 268 50.6% 25-Jan-96 12:46:44 +ReadMe.info
52389 8777 83.2% 14-Aug-96 22:25:28 +MuiClasses.def
9255 2303 75.1% 14-Aug-96 22:25:28 +MuiClasses.mod
1251 525 58.0% 14-Aug-96 22:25:28 +MuiClassSupport.def
7669 2249 70.6% 14-Aug-96 22:25:28 +MuiClassSupport.mod
80091 13455 83.2% 14-Aug-96 22:25:28 +MuiD.def
2340 392 83.2% 14-Aug-96 22:25:30 +MuiD.mod
5139 1481 71.1% 14-Aug-96 22:25:26 +MuiL.def
21470 5186 75.8% 14-Aug-96 22:25:28 +MuiMacros.def
45274 5617 87.5% 14-Aug-96 22:25:28 +MuiMacros.mod
1436 719 49.9% 14-Aug-96 22:25:28 +MuiSupport.def
2517 1078 57.1% 14-Aug-96 22:25:28 +MuiSupport.mod
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
336110 85904 74.4% 21-Aug-96 23:13:42 25 files